Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Fresh outlook

I wrote the first draft of my memoiré for class last night. Creative writing has been challenging, fun and insightful. I am not sure of my path, the only thing I am certain of is today, who I am, how I want present myself in this world and what I can give to others to make the world a better place.

I have struggled, fallen down, picked myself up and moved on with my life. I cherish each moment, and live in that moment as best I can. I try not to borrow from the future or regret anything from the past.

I value collaborative relationships, love to see people happy and succeed, always look for the best in everyone and hope that someday, by my experiences and relationships that I have made a difference in someone's life.

I'm living in the moment and always remembering where I came from, and how far I have come:)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Bias vs. Opinion

I have heard of an unbiased opinion. But when an opinion is based on biased, where have we learned what we know? How do we know what we know?
What have we learned and taught our children?
Should children form their own opinion?

These are all things that I would like to make a difference one person at at time. It is like a fish in water. The fish does not think twice about the water. It has always been there, and it is taken for granted by the fish. The water is all around it, yet invisible. This is how discrimination maintains itself. I also want to touch a bit on sexism, ageism an classism. These are all alive and well in the U. S of A.

I have experiences them all in some shape or form, and want to raise awareness to the cause of equality, rights to equal opportunity, and just pain playing fair on a level field.

I want to nurture a voice that opens minds, questions assumptions, teaches people to be tolerant and to accept people where they are and who they are. Take a breath before speaking, and walk in another person's shoes before passing judgement on them or their situation.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Acceptance and Trust - Inner wisdom is within your heart.

Accepting that "what will happen is meant to happen", is the first step in a leap of faith. The next step is trusting that the universe will be there to guide you within your journey.

Take things as they come to you.

I have struggled with the two words, "Acceptance and Trust" throughout my journey. It is a conscious effort on my part, to always be aware of my need to control the outcome of any given situation. It seems unnatural for me to not "react" and try to "solve" my problem. However I believe, the answer will appear in its own given time.

Accept and trust that in time, the answer will emerge and guidance will follow. Patience and awareness are also helpful to you, on this well traveled path to awareness.

Inner wisdom is within your heart always.

Monday, September 14, 2009



Fear can be paralyzing, but most of the time the worst does not happen. It is the thought of the worst, the apprehension and unrealistic expectations that hold us back from taking the leap of faith to accomplish our goals. I know for me it is the FEAR of Failure. My new motto is to "Just get over it and do it anyway!"

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Discover, Give Voice, Empower and Act

Media Culture and Society Class at St. Catherine University:

First day of class was amazing. I forgot how much I missed the "brain stimulation" as well as all my friends. We were all intertwined within the fabric of the mission, yet we all brought a different perspective and process to the conversation. It was interesting to hear everyone's tribute, and embrace where they were at the moment.

My goal is to discover, give voice, empower and act on what I learn in this class to make a difference in the world, one person at a time.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

I have been pondering my longing for SOMETHING rewarding and fulfilling to my soul. I am naturally drawn to helping people, and am an entrepreneur in my heart of hearts. So I am reading Ladies who Launch, and it is telling me to go with my passion, not the expectations. It may not be crystal clear what the outcome will be, however learning is in the process of the journey.

In the last week I have been open to what ever has come along. I received 3 freelance jobs, as well as met a ton of people who are in need of promotional services for their businesses and personal brand. I think I am on to something. Red Acorn Promotions is on my mind as a name for a business. I need to brand myself, then assist others in following their dreams.

I met two women at the farmers market today; one makes candles, and one makes soap. My expertise in packaging, layout and design as well as product development kicked in. I think I am on to something BIG!

Red Acorn Promotions may be the answer to my prayers:)